Phoenix (Girls) and Eagles (Boys) Teams are the elite squads (U11-U19) within our travel program. Representing VYS Phoenix and Eagles teams means taking part in a highly competitive soccer experience that demands hard work and responsibility. This challenging, but rewarding experience, aims to develop our top players to compete at the highest level.
Starting at U13, Phoenix and Eagles Teams will train separately from the rest of the age group academy. Teams will train with a complimentary age group where each will have a half field and the opportunity to play 11v11.
Travel Tryouts occur every spring and are open to all players. There is no cost to tryout, but players must register prior to attending.
Our Elite teams play in the Elite Clubs National League - Regional League (ECNL RL). Each ECNL RL is structured slightly different, reflecting the unique needs and desires of the participating clubs, geography, and more.
ECNL RL is operated and managed to ensure a consistent environment and level of professionalism across all leagues, facilitating more club connectivity between levels of play and providing a path for more players within each Member Club to reach their fullest potential. Each league provides the opportunity for teams and players to develop through regular high-level competition.
VYS practice schedules are available approximately two weeks prior to the season. However, VYS will endeavor to provide the schedule to all age groups at the earliest possible convenience.
Please direct any specific questions to your program director:
Mon - Fri by appointment
311 Maple Ave West Unit D
Vienna, VA 22180