Vision Statement

To build character, confidence, and a lifelong love of soccer by providing a continuum of competitive, high quality, and positive soccer experience for all players in the Vienna community.

Our Community

VYS is more than a mere soccer club. It is an organization that guides individual player development while fostering a deep sense of community in which players and their families build lasting  friendships and a love of this great game. 

Whether it is on or off the field, VYS is dedicated to instilling a lifetime of great experiences in its youth. VYS is committed to creating a positive culture in which coaches, parents, fans, officials, and players have the tools and training to work together to achieve the VYS vision and mission.

What makes Vienna Youth Soccer truly special is the first word in the Club’s name - Vienna - a town that all of us are proud to call home.

Core Values (TODO: hide)

Have Fun

Mauris arcu lectus, hendrerit ac pulvinar sed, aliquam et leo. Nullam nec condimentum lorem.

Have Fun

Mauris arcu lectus, hendrerit ac pulvinar sed, aliquam et leo. Nullam nec condimentum lorem.

Have Fun

Mauris arcu lectus, hendrerit ac pulvinar sed, aliquam et leo. Nullam nec condimentum lorem.

Have Fun

Mauris arcu lectus, hendrerit ac pulvinar sed, aliquam et leo. Nullam nec condimentum lorem.

Have Fun

Mauris arcu lectus, hendrerit ac pulvinar sed, aliquam et leo. Nullam nec condimentum lorem.

Have Fun

Mauris arcu lectus, hendrerit ac pulvinar sed, aliquam et leo. Nullam nec condimentum lorem.

  • Code of Conduct

    Vienna Youth Soccer (VYS) expects and requires all members, players, officials, employees, suppliers, contractors, spectators, and others participating in VYS activities to behave responsibly, courteously, and respectfully at all times. 

    VYS is dedicated to providing the greater Vienna community with a wide range of opportunities to learn about and play soccer and have fun. In cooperation with the Fairfax County Parks Authority, Fairfax County Schools, and others, VYS provides a safe and supportive environment to learn sportsmanship and teamwork by playing soccer. 

    These objectives cannot be met unless all of those involved adhere to the highest level of conduct. These objectives cannot be met unless all of those involved adhere to the highest level of conduct.

  • Guidelines for Parents, Guardians, and Spectators

    1. Provide positive reinforcement, and encouragement to the teams. Refrain from making negative comments to any child or his/her teammates on or off the field about his or her soccer team, teammates, referees, and coaches. Do not be a sideline coach or referee. 
    2. Encourage fair play and good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every practice, game, or tournament. 
    3. Place the emotional and physical well-being of your child and other players ahead of the desire to win.
    4. Support coaches and officials who instruct your child in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all. Realize the coaches (many of whom are volunteers) are making a substantial commitment to VYS and your child. 
    5. Do your best to make soccer fun for your child, and remember that your child is the one playing the game, and not you. Realize that the benefits of development, teamwork, and fun far outweigh the benefits or emphasis of winning at any cost.
    6. Treat other fans, coaches, players, and officials with respect. Do not coach or yell instructions from the sideline to any player, including your own child, realizing that this may confuse or distract the players during practices and matches, may conflict with the coach’s direction, and could put unnecessary pressure on the players. 
    7. Remember that as a fan, you represent Vienna Youth Soccer. Poor behavior during practices, games, or tournaments may result in expulsion from the soccer field. If this happens repeatedly, it could result in expulsion from the club.
    8. Recognize that refereeing is a difficult job, and that by the Laws of the Game, the referee is given the full and sole authority to judge the match. Do not argue or make any direct negative comments to the referees before, during, or after the match . Show respect and support for the referees, and accept their judgments.
  • Guidelines for Coaches

    1. Place the emotional and physical well-being of your players ahead of a personal desire to win at any cost. Recognize that children participate in soccer to have fun, and that the game is for the players. Recognize that the benefits of development, teamwork, and fun far outweigh the benefits of winning.
    2. Provide a safe playing environment for your players at all times. Review and practice basic first-aid principles needed to treat injuries, and have an emergency plan in place for your team should an emergency arise. At the first sign of thunder or lightning, remove the players from the field immediately. 
    3. Strive to keep abreast of current learning techniques and knowledge of the game.
    4. Do your best to organize practices that are fun and challenging to the players. 
    5. Lead by example in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all players. 
    6. Be knowledgeable of the Laws of the Game, and teach them to your players at a level that they will understand.
    7. Treat other players, officials, and fans with respect. 
    8. Become familiar with and follow all VYS rules, policies, and By-Laws. If you do not understand them, contact an official of VYS to try to get a clearer understanding of them. 
    9. Follow all VYS rules and policies regarding field use. If fields are closed, do not use them for any VYS activities. Embrace good practice habits that promote maintenance of our fields. Help keep our fields safe and playable. 
    10. Remember that you are representing Vienna Youth Soccer on the field at games, practices, and tournaments, and you must be a positive role model, encouraging sportsmanship by your example at all times. 
    11. Recognize that refereeing is a difficult job, and that by the Laws of the game, the referee is given the full and sole authority to judge the match. Do not argue or make any negative comments to the referees before, during, or after the match. Show respect and support for the referees, and accept their judgments.
  • Guidelines for Players

    1. Demonstrate fair play and good sportsmanship at every practice, game, and tournament. Encourage fair play and good sportsmanship from your teammates. 
    2. Attend every practice and game, if possible, and notify your coach as soon as possible if you cannot make a game or a practice. 
    3. Attend practices and games ready to learn. Accept responsibility for bringing any equipment necessary for practice and games. Know that shin guards are mandatory and play in games or practices is not permissible without shin guards, and that jewelry is not allowed to be worn during games. Wear the proper uniform to all games. 
    4. Listen, watch, and learn from your coaches. If you do not understand what your coach is trying to teach, ask him or her questions, and try to learn to the best of your ability.
    5. Always treat other players, coaches, officials, and fans with respect, and expect to be treated accordingly. Do not direct negative comments to them on or off the field. 
    6. If your division has referees, recognize that refereeing is a difficult job, and that the Referee is given the full and sole authority to judge the match by the Laws of the Game. Do not argue or make any negative comments to the referees before, during, or after the match. Show respect for and support the referees and accept their judgments.
    7. Remember that you are representing Vienna Youth Soccer, and poor behavior during practices, games, or tournaments may result in lost playing time or even expulsion from the team, if it continues repeatedly.

Code of Conduct

Mauris arcu lectus, hendrerit ac pulvinar sed, aliquam et leo. Nullam nec condimentum lorem. Morbi eu elementum dui, eu auctor leo. Donec tincidunt velit ut nibh ultrices, at molestie augue tempor. Donec efficitur consectetur ante sit amet vehicula. Sed at augue auctor, vulputate neque a, pharetra massa.

Quisque sed congue lacus, quis dignissim lorem. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque pharetra accumsan dui sit amet mollis. Etiam nec egestas eros, eget consequat tortor. Maecenas eget neque non felis consectetur iaculis ut rutrum augue. Fusce laoreet, ipsum sit amet cursus pretium, urna nunc consectetur augue, nec lacinia ex augue ac odio.

Nulla facilisi. Sed ut elit vel felis pharetra pharetra. Vivamus porta, felis a interdum convallis, enim sapien dignissim mi, id fringilla mauris massa et leo.

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